I go by many names:

Mindful Strategic Consultant


Master Connector


I’ve found success by doing what inspires me, learning from the lessons of my clients, and rolling up my sleeves and doing hard work. During my own career, I’ve navigated a myriad of challenges and built the life of my dreams with the help of consultants, coaches, and a sprinkle of Buddhism. Today, my experience allows me to help creatives, entrepreneurs, founders, executives, and CEOs quantum leap over hurdles (imagined or real) in their work while building lives that truly bring them joy.

But let’s back up. After graduating cum laude from NYU with a degree in economics, I worked for companies like Cartier, Lazard, and Bridgewater. I saw that the few women in leadership positions weren’t fulfilled, struggled with work/life balance, and the money they made didn’t make a difference. After several years, I quit the rat race and decided to do what truly made me feel alive.

I’ve been a successful entrepreneur since 2012, when I opened my creative agency and video production company, Ezra Productions. In 2020, I added real estate investor to my resume. More on that story here. In 2024, I achieved true financial freedom.

These days, I help my clients grow their companies and realize their dreams in a light and fun way while I live and vacation in the most beautiful places in the world: Malibu, Stockholm, and Nice.

I’m living the dream I’ve had since I started working: I spend my time however I want, wherever I want. I wake up when my body is ready, go to pilates or the beach, consult for a small number of incredibly short accomplished and inspiring clients, manage my real estate investments, and produce impact-focused video content. When I’m not working, you can find going on an adventure or spending time with friends and family. Because that’s what I define as success.


My work with every client looks different, but it always starts out the same: by defining an ideal life and business. From there, we talk about what is working and identify the roadblocks. Then we get into action. By the end our work together, my clients leave transformed.

Sometimes this looks like seeing a problem from another point of view, coming up with a light and easy game plan, guiding the client while they execute it, and refining the plan it until completion. Other times I get in the weeds with the client, helping bridge departments that aren’t working well together in their companies, coming up with or improving messaging and visuals, or connecting them with people who can help them professionally or personally. There is no cookie cutter way I work with everyone because everyone’s needs are unique.


You can count on me to:

  • Help you define what you really want (the want behind the want)

  • Come up with a strategic plan to achieve your goals

  • Hold you accountable to your bigger vision of success

  • Ask uncomfortable questions that will help you grow

  • Give it to you straight

  • Believe in you

  • Reject the negative stories you tell yourself

  • Help you get bigger than the fears that are holding you back

Some Fun (Weird?) Facts About Me

  • I got my first job when I was 12. By the time I was 13, I was being chauffeured to work in a black Towncar.

  • While I was at NYU, I started Hot Shots, a Jell-O shot girl company, before I was of legal drinking age.

  • I foster rescued mama dogs and their newborn puppies until they’re adopted out.

  • I’m a certified personal trainer

  • I don’t drink or do drugs

  • The Four Hour Workweek changed my perspective forever

  • I’m happiest when I’m on a boat


In 2020, after pouring my heart and soul into my video production company and realizing I actually didn’t want to be a full-time CEO and sell my company to a larger agency, I actually just wanted to create cool things and help people, I had reached a stage of burnout. I had started traveling a lot on 2018 to try and revive my inspiration for the company, and I rented out my own apartment while I traveled. I loved the stable income it provided for doing much less than what it took to run a production company, which required me to keep reinvesting capital. I discovered (the then blog) Bigger Pockets, and the door to real estate investing started to crack open.

In the meantime, I focused my energy on producing videos that lit me up: Family Legacy Videos, which give people who are getting older the space to reflect and tell their life stories on camera so their history and the lessons they learned can be passed onto their families for generations to come. One of these interviews was with a mega-wealthy real estate tycoon in the Bay Cities who arrived in this country a penniless immigrant and remained as humble as the day he arrived. He lived a life of integrity, a life of fun parties and family yacht trips on the Mediterranean in his personal yacht, which he kept docked in front of his home. He spent a good amount of his fortune giving back to those who were less fortunate, and in his later years, he became more spiritual. He and his wife exuded humility, love, and joie de vivre. This is the kind of life I wanted to lead.

During his interview, he said that he stumbled into real estate investing with no more than an 8th grade education, when he left school to start selling wholesale flowers on Santa Monica Blvd. He started in multi-family real estate, but his dream was to open a luxury hotel where he could could make what he was making in month in one of his rental units in a night or two at a luxury hotel. He eventually opened one of the most luxurious hotels in Beverly Hills. In that moment, a seed was planted. I thought, “If he can do it, surely I can do it.” But I decided to skip the multifamily racket and go straight to building a portfolio of luxury rentals serving people like me: people who love to travel and work comfortably from the most beautiful places in the world, and people who are relocating and looking for a perfect home base from which to build the rest of their lives.

I had come to the realization that a service-based company would always be declining in value unless I kept taking big financial bets, and it could fall apart relatively quickly. Real estate, on the other hand, would give me the ability to build equity in an asset while receiving cash flow from it as a business, and you didn’t have to be a genius to do it. So I built a portfolio of luxury rentals using the money I had made from my company (which I had diligently dollar-cost-averaged into a very unsexy mutual fund over the previous 10 or so) and some very creative financing.

That real estate portfolio has provided me with financial freedom to spend my time on what I love most: helping other entrepreneurs, founders, and executives achieve their goals in a way that brings them true success, however they define it.